Probation Department
The Cuyahoga County Probation Department shall establish effective alternatives to incarceration.
To encourage positive change in the lives of offenders, the Cuyahoga County Probation Department shall provide evidence based practices to the Court, community, victims, probationers and defendants.

Mission Statement
The Cuyahoga County Probation Department, in providing community corrections services, assists the Court of Common Pleas in the protection of the community and the administration of justice. Toward this end, we:
- Complete thorough and accurate investigations
- Provide individualized direction, client centered goal coordination, the effective use of community-based resources and the swift and consistent administration of prescribed incentives and sanctions
- Provide assistance to victims including collection of restitution
- Manage offender risk by enforcing court orders and affording opportunities for change
- Maintain a trained staff who are knowledgeable regarding evidence based practices
- Communicate with law enforcement, correctional and other community agencies in Cuyahoga County
Pretrial Services
Court Supervised Released
Court Supervised Release involves supervision of defendants charged with felonies, who prior to disposition, are released into the community under supervision with a personal or financial bond.
Pretrial Diversion
Designed for persons charged with non-violent and non-drug related crimes that have no previous felony convictions or patterns of adult or juvenile criminal behavior. Successful applicants must enter into a plea agreement which is held in abeyance pending successful completion of the Program, and the maximum allowable restitution amount is $7,500.
Intervention In Lieu of Conviction
The Intervention in Lieu of Conviction (ILC) is designed to meet the unique needs of low-level, nonviolent probationers with minimal prior criminal histories, who have a significant substance abuse and/or mental health problems that contributed to the underlying offense for which they are charged.
Second Chance Program
Second Chance is a program designed for persons charged with a low-level felony who have a previous felony that cannot be expunged, thus preventing participation in the Diversion Program. Upon completing successfully completing probation, the case is dismissed and sealed. The charged offense must be a felony four or five, and the charges in one case may total no more than two. However, the Prosecutor’s Office will consider three charges depending on the circumstances. Participation is limited to one new case.

Low Risk
Defendants in this group report every 6 months for one year.
Low-Moderate Risk
Defendants in this group report every three months forone year.
Moderate Risk
Defendants in this group report once a month or as specified via court order for eighteen months.
High Risk
The High Risk Probation program is designed to divert eligible felony offenders from incarceration in Ohio’s prisons by providing a more intense or heightened degree of supervision within the community. High Risk is designed as a two-year program with frequent offender contact, intense case planning, close attention to offender criminogenic needs and appropriate program referrals, and varying urinalysis schedules, designed for the most effective habilitation of the offender.
Extremely High Risk
Defendants in this group report for up to five years. The goal of supervising the Extremely High Risk Offender is to promote public safety. Intensive supervision, surveillance, drug and alcohol testing are a necessity while programming is contraindicated. Supervision of the Extremely High Risk Offender consists of:
- Weekly Office Contacts
- Weekly Urinalysis Testing
- Weekly Field Visits with Instant Drug and/or Alcohol Testing
- Twice Weekly Collateral Contacts

Drug Lab Orientation
This video is an orientation of the Court's Drug Laboratory. The process is quick, and knowing what to expect ahead of time will make it even easier.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Probation, which is also known as community control, is a period of supervision imposed by the Court in lieu of a prison sentence. Community control supervision at this level is the responsibility of the Cuyahoga County Adult Probation Department.
If, however, a person is sentenced to prison, upon release he or she may be placed on parole, which is also known as post-release control (PRC). Whether a person is on PRC supervision is determined by the crime for which the person was sentenced; not all crimes carry a period of PRC upon release from prison. PRC supervision is the responsibility of the State of Ohio Adult Parole Authority.
Community Control is granted by a Judge and is overseen by a probation officer. The judge will impose specific terms of supervision, including length of community control and reporting frequency. Additional conditions are tailored to the specific risks and needs of each person placed on community control. These may include performing community work service work, staying alcohol and drug free, random drug testing, paying fines/court costs/restitution/fees, attending programming to assist with employment, mental health and/ or substance abuse treatment, restricted travel, and searches of your person or property without a warrant. Additionally, the Judge may order electronic monitoring, a curfew, and/ or no contact with specified individuals. The goal of probation is to assist the probationer in making prosocial behavioral changes and avoid re-arrest.
During a violation hearing, it must be shown that you, more likely than not, violated a term or condition of your supervision using a "preponderance of the evidence" standard. Generally, you have a right to learn of any new charges against you and to present evidence in court before a neutral judge that may support your case and/or refute the evidence brought against you. You may want to consult with an attorney or other legal professional regarding the rights available to you.
You may apply for an early release from supervision, yet it is entirely discretionary (not mandatory) for a judge to grant. Typically, the judge will require you to have served a good portion of your supervision period before eligibility for early release. In addition, the judge may require all of the imposed conditions be met. For example, treatment has been successfully completed, remained alcohol and/ or drug free, maintained full time employment, community service performed, and paid costs, fines, restitution.
Yes, registered voters who are on Community Control are allowed to vote in elections. In addition, voting rights are restored after any prison term is completed.
Payments towards restitution and supervision fees are accepted in the Probation Department at the Justice Center (7th Floor). Payments can be made using cash, money order, or a credit card. Credit card payments require a valid ID which matches the name on the credit card.
Payments can also be made on-line by clicking this link
Payments towards fines and court costs are accepted at the Cuyahoga County Clerk of Courts Office at the Justice Center (2nd Floor).
Cash payments for Child Support customers with cases in Cuyahoga County can be made in the Cuyahoga County Clerk of Courts Office at the Justice Center (1st Floor). The following information is required to make a payment: Case Number, Obligor’s Social Security Number, Obligor’s Name, and Order Number.

Contact Information
1200 Ontario Street, 7th floor, Justice Center Tower
Cleveland, OH 44113