Drug Court Dockets
In 2024, the Cuyahoga County Drug Court celebrates its 15th anniversary!

The Cuyahoga County Drug Court program was established in May of 2009. The mission of the Drug Court Program is to provide judicial intervention, treatment and intensive supervision to individuals who have committed criminal felonies as a direct or indirect result of their substance use disorders. The Adult Drug Court Program was created through Local Rule 30.2 for assignments of criminal cases to drug court dockets.
The goal of the drug court program is to break the cycle of recidivism by addressing an offender’s drug dependency and criminogenic risk through evidence based treatment and programming.
"Drug courts promote recovery through a coordinated response to offenders dependent on alcohol and other drugs. Realization of these goals requires a team approach, including cooperation and collaboration of the judges, prosecutors, defense counsel, probation authorities, other corrections personnel, law enforcement, pretrial services agencies, TASC (Treatment Alternatives to Street Crime) programs, evaluators, an array of local service providers, and the greater community.” - The National Drug Court Model
Drug Court Dockets

Contact Information
Specialty Docket Administrator
Meghan Patton
(216) 443-5468 (P)
(216) 443-3044 (F)
For individual docket administrators, click on the docket page above.
Court Documents
Ohio Substance Abuse Monitoring (OSAM)
National Association of drug court professionals (NADCP)
Ohio Prescription Drug Abuse TaskForce