Dispute Resolution

Department Mission Statement
To provide arbitration, mediation, and business mediation services to the Court.
Plaintiffs and defendants are offered alternative methods of dispute resolution to effectively resolve litigation. It is the policy of the Court to encourage the use of Dispute Resolution methods per Local Rule 21.0 and 21.1. In keeping with this policy, the court has developed and administers several Dispute Resolution methods.
The Dispute Resolution methods
Why Dispute Resolution?
- Promotes settlement
- It's more cost-effective for taxpayers and litigants than going to trial
- Helps expedite the resolution of cases
- Provides an opportunity for litigants to be heard and participate in the proceedings, providing greater litigant satisfaction
- Allows for the opportunity for creative solutions to resolve disputes.

General FAQs
Please call the Dispute Resolution Department to discuss any scheduling issues. Many issues can be resolved by working with the Department directly, but in some cases you may need to file a motion with the Court.
Arbitrations last between one and two hours. The length of a mediation depends upon the complexities of the issues. Most civil and business mediations are around two hours, but can take longer.
Yes. A core principle of mediation is that there is a benefit to bringing parties together, face to face, to discuss their interests, concerns and the issues that separate them. The general requirement for the Court’s mediation programs is parties and their attorneys, if they have one, appear in person.
Civil Mediation, Business Mediation, and Arbitration FAQs
Blank Pre-Mediation Summary forms can be found by clicking this link. You also can call the Dispute Resolution Department.
Pre-Mediation Summary forms are due 14 days before the mediation hearing and can be faxed, emailed or dropped off at the Dispute Resolution Department.
Cases are referred by the judge assigned to the case and scheduled by the Dispute Resolution Department. For additional information, please see the “What to Expect” tab for each program.
Contact Us
The department staff can be reached at 216-443-8504, 216-698-7138, or:
Rebecca Wetzel: CPRBW@cuyahogacounty.us
Michael Biglow: mbiglow@cuyahogacounty.us
Ken Callahan: Kcallahan@cuyahogacounty.us
Robert McClelland: cprm1@cuyahogacounty.us
General Mailbox: civilmediation@cuyahogacounty.us