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Cuyahoga County Recovery Court

Many people who end up in the criminal justice system are dealing with not only drug and alcohol addiction, but also have underlying trauma-related mental health issues.

To better assist those who are dealing with these dual-diagnoses, Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court created a special Recovery Court to work in conjunction with the previously operating existing Drug Court. Judge Joan C. Synenberg was appointed to preside over the new docket in January of 2015. On December 11, 2015, the Ohio Supreme Court Commission on Specialized Dockets awarded final certification to the Recovery Court docket.

"In many cases, these are people who want to be helped and a number of them have come from nearly hopeless situations," says Judge Synenberg. "The profound changes they make in recovery are inspiring."

Judge Synenberg maintains a full docket and says the compliance rate of those who appear before her has been exceptionally high.

Recovery Court is the first of its kind in the State of Ohio, and has also been certified to assist those who have been victims of human trafficking.

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Contact Information

Recovery Court Coordinator
(216) 348-4027 


Meghan Patton, Specialty Court Administrator

(216) 443-5468 (P)
(216) 443-3044 (F)

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Local Rule

30.2 Assignment of Criminal Cases to Drug Court Dockets