County Wide Mental Health Initiative
In 2008, the County Wide Mental Health Initiative, chaired by Honorable K. J. Montgomery, created a procedural guidance manual for municipal courts needing to navigate the system for the benefit of the community and those suffering from mental illness, developmental disabilities, guardianship, and elder abuse.
It was the hope of this initiative that local judges, court personnel, and the community would find these materials helpful when working with mental health consumers and their families.

The below links are a culmination of work of many including Cleveland Municipal Judge Kathleen Keough, Probate Court Judge John Donnelly, Cleveland State Law School Professor Stephen Lararus, Cuyahoga County Deputy Public Defender Kathy Moore, Attorney at Law Toni Richmond, Shaker Heights Municipal Court Intern Allison Perry, and System Chief Clinical Officers of ADAMH Board of Franklin County Dr. Kathyrn Burns.
Please see the below links to help understand and navigate the procedures when engaged with the criminal and civil justice system.