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Magistrate Assignments

In the Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas, General Division a Magistrate acts in place of the Judge for most matters related to foreclosure, quiet title, and partition cases.

Please see the Magistrates’ Department page for more information about the Court’s Magistrates and the cases they adjudicate. Below is a list of Magistrates assigned to specific Judges of the Court of Common Pleas, General Division.

Court bench

Magistrate Assignments by Judge

Mag. Paul Lucas

Mag. John Dyke

Mag. Gina Lunsford

Mag. Gina Lunsford

Mag. Amy Jackson

Mag. Monica Klein

Mag. Brian Gozelanczyk

Mag. Jim Jackson

Mag. Christopher Day

Mag. Jim Jackson

Mag. Gina Lunsford

Mag. Christopher Day

Mag. Brian Gozelanczyk

Mag. Stephen Bucha III

Mag. Monica Klein

Mag. Amy Jackson

Mag. Brian Gozelanczyk

Mag. Amy Jackson

Mag. Dean Hegyes

Mag. Jim Jackson

Mag. Kevin Augustyn

Mag. Jim Jackson

Mag. Paul Lucas

Mag. Christopher Day

Mag. Stephen Bucha III

Mag. Christopher Day

Mag. Monica Klein

Mag. Kevin Augustyn

Mag. Gina Lunsford

Mag. Brian Gozelanczyk

Mag. Gina Lunsford

Mag. Amy Jackson

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