Court Resource Center

By Appointment Only
To schedule an in-person consultation, click here.
You may email the Court Resource Center at
The Resource Center provides a place for self-represented litigants to (1) receive accurate information about the court system, (2) obtain forms or pleadings, and (3) receive referrals to Community Partners.
Do you have a civil case pending in the Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas, General Division? The Resource Center is a place for self-represented litigants to receive accurate information about the court system and obtain a variety of form pleadings. The Resource Center is not a general-purpose legal clinic, however, and its staff cannot assist with matters in other courts – such as Cleveland Municipal Court – or provide legal advice.
Are you facing a criminal charge, or do you have a criminal case pending or concluded in this Court? Please contact the Cuyahoga County Office of the Public Defender, your assigned attorney, or the lawyer of your choice. The Public Defender’s Office, which has a “Submit a Question” form, can assist with matters such as driving privileges, sealing/expunging records, relief from firearm disability, and more. The Court Resource Center cannot assist you with your criminal case.
Do you have a divorce, dissolution, or other Domestic Relations Court case? Please contact the Domestic Relations Help Center at (216) 443-8880 or visit their website.
Does this involve a matter within the jurisdiction of the Probate Court? Please contact the Probate Court Resource Center at (216) 443-8769.
Is this a Juvenile Court matter? The Juvenile Court Resource Center can be reached at (216) 443-3149, or you can visit their website.

Hours/Phone Number
9am-Noon and 2:00pm-4:00pm, Monday through Friday (closed Noon - 2:00pm)

4th floor of The Justice Center
(next to the cafeteria)

Internet Access

Language/Interpreter Services
Court Resource Center Staff
The Resource Center staff members are employed by the Court to provide information to self-represented persons; however, staff will not provide legal advice (please see disclaimer at the bottom of this page).
Resource Center Staff can provide information:
- That is contained in the court docket
- About court processes and procedures
- Examples of forms or pleadings to be used as a guide
- Referrals to appropriate agencies or other resources
- Pamphlets
- Legal reference materials
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Legal Forms
Certificate of Qualification for Employment (CQE)
Filing Fee Waiver Affidavit (printable)
Filing Fee Waiver Affidavit (fillable)
Affidavit for Service by Posting of Notice (CSPO)
Affidavit for Service by Publication
Civil Stalking and Sexually Oriented Offenses Protection Order Forms
Expungement Application Materials Representation by the Public Defender

Foreclosure Forms
Foreclosure information is available on the Magistrates' Page

Clerk of Courts

Civil Legal Resources
Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service (LRS)
Legal Aid Society of Cleveland
Calendar of Legal Aid Brief Advice Clinics
Cleveland Marshall College of Law Clinics
Case Western Reserve School of Law
Asian Services in Action, Inc.
Pro Bono Appeals - Pilot Program
Veterans Legal Services Clinics
Eighth District Court of Appeals Guide to Self-Representation
- Eighth District Court of Appeals Forms
- Eighth District Court of Appeals Checklist for Appeal

Criminal Legal Resources/Victim Services
The information contained on this page is being provided as a public service and should not be relied upon or considered legal advice. You need to contact an attorney for legal advice. The Common Pleas Court has also provided links and information relevant to outside agencies and organizations which you may find helpful. However, the Common Pleas Court cannot attest to the accuracy of the information provided and any views and opinions contained therein are solely those of the agency or organization providing the information.