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Court will be open for normal hours and at full staff on Tuesday, January 21. Six new Judges have joined the Bench, and six additional Judges have moved courtrooms. Click here for complete rundown.


Notary Public

Effective September 20, 2019

The New State of Notary

Ohio’s notary public commissioning process changed on September 20, 2019.  In 2018, Ohio adopted the Notary Modernization Act with a goal of standardizing the notary public commission process and permitting both online and electronic notarization. In order to achieve these goals, the existing rules and process governing notary had to evolve. From the application and educational requirements to the cost of being a notary, lawyers and non-lawyers alike have to follow a new set of rules. These changes will impact all first time applicants – lawyers and non-lawyers – as well as non-lawyer notaries who want to renew their existing commissions.

In light of these changes, the Cuyahoga Notary Public Commission is joining forces with the Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association to make the new notary process seamless. They have also entered into a partnership with the Akron, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Dayton, Toledo and Ohio State bar associations to create the Ohio Notary Services, LLC – an organization that will continue to have a local Cleveland presence as well as a new, statewide reach. Through this collaboration, we will still be able to handle all of your notary education and testing needs.

In addition, for those who wish to become an Ohio e-notary public, Ohio Notary Services is THE ONLY source authorized by the Ohio Secretary of State to offer education and testing under the new laws. 

You can visit Ohio Notary Services’ website at for all of your notary questions and needs. At a high level, the new process works in five steps:  


1) Obtain a formal Bureau of Criminal Investigation records check (BCI) current within six months of application. Visit information on obtaining the records check. If the records check does not contain disqualifying offenses, then the applicant may proceed to the next step.


2) Visit Create an account and select whether you want to take an in-person class and test (if required) or if you wish to do both online.


3) Attend the class or watch the online video and take the test (if required.) Upon verifying successful completion of both Ohio Notary Services will provide you with a certificate for submission to the Secretary of State.


4) Visit and select File Online to create an account and submit your application.


5) Return to when you receive your notary commission to purchase all of your notary supplies. For a limited time, new notaries receive a FREE notary stamp after successfully passing the test.


Under the new law, renewing a notary commission may begin up to 90 days in advance. Visit the Secretary of State website to begin the process and then return to to get started with the required renewal class.

The new notary law has also established fixed fees across the state for acquiring or renewing notary commissions. The fee schedule is as follows:

Traditional Notaries:

  • New applicants (non-attorney)
  • New applicants (attorney)
  • Renewals (non-attorney)

Electronic Notaries:

  • New applicants
  • Renewals

Still have questions?  Call us at (216) 443-8623 or visit

About Ohio Notary Services

Ohio Notary Services, LLC is a unique, joint venture by the Akron, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Dayton, Toledo and the Ohio State bar associations to help you meet all your notary education and testing requirements under the new law. We bring extensive notary expertise and experience, statewide reach and unmatched convenience.