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What to Expect During Jury Duty

Jury Summons 

New jurors will report to the 4th floor of the Justice Center. If you receive a summons, be sure to follow the printed instructions.

Trial jurors will call the night before their summons date to confirm if they will be needed (216-698-2977). Jurors will be asked to report based on a “draw number” range. The draw number is located on the summons following the four-digit date in this format, xx/xx-draw number.

The juror draw numbers for Monday, March 10th, are 1 - 771.

If you have those numbers on your summons, please report to the 4th floor of the Justice Center at 8:00AM.


The Court reminds the public to be aware of potential scams regarding jury duty. The Court and Sheriff's Department will never contact you and ask for personal information or money. Do not respond to calls or emails that demand personal information or payments. Click here for more information, and report jury duty scams to the Cuyahoga County Scam Squad at 216-443-SCAM (7226). 

Jury Duty can be an intimidating prospect, especially if you have never served before. We want to make sure you know what to expect during jury duty so that you feel as prepared as possible when you are called to potentially serve on a jury.


Update or View Your Juror Information

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Things to Know

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Contact Us

If you cannot find the answer to a jury duty question in the information listed here, you can contact the jury commission directly by email at, or by calling call the Jury Commission Information Number: (216) 443-8625.

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Parking / Public Transportation

Please visit our parking and directions page to get exact directions and information on where to park when coming to the courts.

Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court jurors who choose to use public transportation can request free RTA passes from our Jury Commissioners.

If a person uses public transportation on their first day of jury duty, they can request a complimentary one-way pass to return home. If they are scheduled to return for jury duty the next day, they may request an all-day pass.

The passes are in addition to daily compensation provided to jurors.

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Jurors are paid at the rate of $27.00 per day. Payment is made by check, 2-3 weeks after the completion of jury service.

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The Court of Common Pleas provides public, non-secure wireless internet access for jurors serving on jury duty. Wi-Fi details are available at check-in when you report for jury service.

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Juror Lanyard/Stickers

The Common Pleas Court uses a red lanyard marked "Juror". The badge will not set off the metal detectors and does not use a pin that damages clothing or punctures skin. A pin may be provided if all of the lanyards are in use.

Jurors may also be issued a sticker denoting their current service.

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Please expect to go through a metal detector when you arrive at the courts. Even if you are licensed for a conceal-carry weapon, you will be arrested if you try to bring a gun into the Justice CenterOnly law enforcement personnel are allowed to be armed. Items that could be considered weapons include, but are not limited to, pocket knives, knitting needles, letter openers, and box cutters.


Resources are available for persons who are deaf, hard of hearing, or sight-impaired to participate in court cases or functions. Individuals should contact the Jury Commissioners if such services are needed.

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What to Wear

A trial is a formal legal process and jury service is a serious civic responsibility. Jurors should take this into consideration with respect to attire. Appropriate dress is required. Jurors should not wear shorts, tank-tops, sheer/mesh shirts, flip-flops, or clothing containing statements or offensive symbols. Dressing with a light layer is advised as temperatures may fluctuate within the building.

Where To Eat?


Grand Jury Jurors. On the front of your summons above your mailing address you will see the phrase "OFFICIAL GRAND JURY SUMMONS. DO NOT FORWARD OUT OF COUNTY." Also on the front of your summons, just left of your mailing address, you will see a Court Room and Time to report to on the date of your service. Grand Jury jurors serve two days a week for four months if selected.

Petit Jury Jurors. On the front of your summons above your mailing address you will see the phrase "OFFICIAL JURY SUMMONS. DO NOT FORWARD OUT OF COUNTY." Petit jurors are instructed to report to the 4th floor Jury Commission on their report date at 8:00 a.m. Petit Jury service is normally one week. However, if you are serving on a jury and the trial is not completed by the end of the week, you will be required to continue to report until the trial is concluded.

Cleveland City Jurors. If your juror number ends in a "Y", you have been summoned by Cleveland Municipal Court. You are instructed to report to the 4th floor Jury Commission on their report date at 8:00 a.m.

The instructions about your service are also outlined between Sections 1 & 2 of the summons.

Your Juror Information Form may be completed in two ways.

Complete the form included with your summons and mail it to the Jury Commission within ten days.

Complete the information form online by clicking here: Juror Information Form

A temporary deferral of jury duty can be granted under certain circumstances only for Petit jurors. Grand Jury jurors are not eligible for a temporary deferral.

If your service at this time presents a hardship, you must submit a request, in writing, to the Jury Commission, Justice Center, Cleveland, Ohio 44113, or by fax: (216) 443-3044.

You must submit your request for deferral as early as possible following receipt of your summons for jury duty.

If you have a medical excuse, you must submit a doctor's statement containing condition and prognosis.

Remember, in most cases, this is not an exemption, but only a temporary postponement of jury duty.

If you believe you may be exempt from serving, you should note the reason on the back of your jury summons and return it to the Jury Commission.

Under a Ohio law, only cloistered members of religious organizations are exempt from jury service. (Ohio Rev. Code. §2313.14)

The following are disqualified, and thus may not serve as jurors:

Persons who are no longer residents of Cuyahoga County.

Persons who have served as jurors in a court of record in Cuyahoga County within the past two years. (Ohio Rev. Code. §2313.21)

You are disqualified from service if you have been convicted of a felony and are currently on probation or are serving a community control sanction.

If you believe you may be exempt from serving, you should note the reason on a separate sheet of paper, and return it to the Jury Commission with your completed information form. Do not return the summons.

If you are not currently a resident of Cuyahoga County, please return your information with a form showing your current address.

Petit Jury Service: The length of jury duty for Petit jurors is normally one week. However, if you are serving on a jury and the trial is not completed by the end of the week, you will be required to continue to report until the trial is concluded. You will be advised if the trial is expected to last past the end of the week, so that you may make appropriate arrangements.

Grand Jury: Grand Jury service is two days a week for four months, if you are selected.

Petit Jury Service: On your first day Petit jurors should report to the 4th Floor of the Justice Center at 8:00 a.m. for orientation. Court hours are normally 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. If you are not in trial, lunch break is 11:30 a.m. to 1:15 p.m., and you will be excused for the day at 3:30 p.m. If you are in trial, the trial judge will advise you of the Court's schedule.

Grand Jury Service: For Grand Jury, jurors are instructed to report directly to the court room shown on the front on their summons. Don't forget to check the time you are to report. Depending on which Grand Jury you were summoned for, you could be reporting at either 8:30 a.m. or 1:30 p.m. on your report date.

The instructions about your service are also outlined between Sections 1&2 of the summons.

You should plan on spending at least part of your stay outside the courtroom waiting to be called for a trial. You may bring reading material and other appropriate items to occupy your time when you are not in trial. We do have books, magazines, and games on hand as well.

There are several restaurants of various price ranges within a short walk of the Justice Center, and there is a Cafeteria located on the 4th floor of the Justice Center, around the corner from the Jury Commission. On Mondays during the summer, food trucks come to Huntington Park across the street from the Justice Center. Click here for the .pdf version of the photo below.

Announcements of closings of government offices, including the Justice Center, are made over radio and television stations, the same as with school closings. We will also tweet closings. You can follow us on Twitter: @CuyCommonPleas

Petit Jury Service: Telephone the Petit Jury Bailiffs (216-443-8625) and advise them of your situation. They will either answer your questions or inform the Court accordingly.

Grand Jury Service: The Grand Jury Bailiffs can be reached at (216) 443-8666 or (216) 443-8652.

If you get a call, text or email telling you that you're about to be arrested for any reason, including failing to appear for jury duty, it's a scam. Police do not call or email people to demand they pay money to avoid an arrest.

Please read the following information closely! Click here to download a .pdf copy.

Jury Duty Survey

If you recently served jury duty, we want to know about your experience.

Please take a few minutes to fill out this important on-line survey. Thank you!

Click here to begin...


Jury Duty Scams

If you get a call, text or email telling you that you're about to be arrested for any reason, including failing to appear for jury duty, it's a scam. Police do not call or email people to demand they pay money to avoid an arrest.

Please read the following information closely! Click here to download a .pdf copy.

Called To Serve

Watch our introduction for new jurors, which you will also see when you arrive for service.

Grand Jury Duty In Ohio

The Grand Jury Experience

What is it like to be on a grand jury for the Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court? We spoke with some of our former grand jurors about their experience, and what you should expect if you receive a summons.

Memorial Monday Food Trucks

Mondays, June-September
Huntington Park (Corner of W. 3rd & Lakeside)

We encourage our jurors to enjoy downtown Cleveland while they are here. On Mondays during the summer, we host lunchtime food trucks in Huntington Park across the street on Lakeside Avenue.