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Veterans Treatment Court 7-2-24

Veterans Treatment Court 7-2-24

Two days before the 4th of July, eight Cuyahoga County veterans successfully completed the Common Pleas Veterans Treatment Court (VTC) program.


VTC Judge Andrew J. Santoli personally congratulated each graduate and presented him or her with a commemorative challenge coin and certificate.


The Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court Judges approved the VTC specialized docket in 2014, and it officially started on June 1, 2015, with now retired Judge Michael E. Jackson. Judge Jackson was the keynote speaker at the July 2 ceremony, which was held in the historic old courthouse.


The mission driving the Veterans Treatment Court is to successfully rehabilitate veterans by diverting them from the traditional criminal justice system and providing them with the unique tools they need to lead a more productive and law-abiding life. They are also provided with a mentor, a fellow veteran who understands their military experiences.


Many veterans have serious readjustment issues when they return home from their service, particularly combat veterans. The most serious of those issues include engaging in high risk conduct, unemployment, post-traumatic stress syndrome, traumatic brain injuries, homelessness, drugs, and crime. Studies have shown that 18% to 30% of veterans need treatment for these issues.  The Veterans Treatment Court addresses these issues.