Tasc Conference

Cleveland: Nearly 300 people were in Cleveland April 29 through May 1 for the National TASC Conference on Drugs, Crime and Reentry.
Hosted by the Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court’s TASC (Treatment Alternatives to Street Crime) Department, the three-day conference at the Hilton Downtown Cleveland brought in speakers and experts from around the nation.
Conference attendees explored the latest advancements and issues in the treatment and recovery of justice-involved individuals with behavioral health needs. The conference aimed to offer leadership, advocacy, and policy recommendations for innovative treatment and recovery support resulting in opportunities for justice-involved individuals with behavioral health needs to achieve healthy and productive lives with their families and communities.
One of the national TASC board members is Ronda Blaney, who manages the Cuyahoga County Adult TASC Program. The program provides substance use disorder assessments, case management, gender specific intensive outpatient treatment and non-intensive outpatient treatment.
“This is the first time the national TASC conference has been in Cleveland in many years,” Blaney explains. “We were so excited to host our colleagues as we gather to share ideas and programs that can strengthen all of our departments.”
Administrative Judge John J. Russo welcomed the conference attendees on their first morning, and Judge David T. Matia presented the opening session on the Drug Court he has presided over for more than a decade.