“Save Our Homes” Event

The Court sponsored a second foreclosure-related event on May 16, 2023. This latest of several “Save Our Homes” events focused on tax foreclosures. To reach as many individuals as possible, the County Fiscal Officer mailed a personalized, Court-prepared informational flyer to over 650 people facing foreclosure actions.
The Court once again marshaled as many governmental agencies, community housing resource agencies, and other community partners as possible to provide foreclosure defendants with answers about the court process and referrals to assistance programs. In addition to meeting with Chief Magistrate Stephen Bucha and the staff of the Court Resource Center, the 50 individuals attending in person or by Zoom were triaged and dispersed to multiple tables to discuss grants, programs, and other assistance with representatives from the Cuyahoga County Treasury, Board of Revision, and Consumer Affairs offices; CHN Housing Partners; Community Housing Solutions; the Legal Aid Society of Cleveland; the Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging; Home Repair Resource Center, and the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District. Several applicants were even able to complete their applications on site.
The City of Garfield Heights provided event space in its Civic Center. The Save Our Homes task force is targeting August 2023 for its next community outreach event
(Photo: Staff Attorney Scott Moorman, Chief Magistrate Stephen Bucha, Resource Center Director Laura Creed, former Stokes Scholar Maryssa Blackman, and Nina Holzer from CHN Housing Partners.)