Save Our Homes

The Court hosted a March “Save Our Homes” event focused on mortgage foreclosures at St. Ignatius High School on March 7.
Following a successful tax foreclosure event in October 2022, the Court expanded its outreach to community housing resource agencies and other community partners to provide foreclosure defendants with answers about the court process and referrals to assistance programs.
St. Ignatius graciously provided event space in its library. In addition to meeting with Chief Magistrate Stephen Bucha and the staff of the Court Resource Center, including Laura Creed, Scott Moorman, and Mary Pat Smith, the 40 individuals attending in person or by Zoom went from table to table to discuss grants, programs and other assistance. There were representatives on hand from the Cuyahoga County Treasury and Consumer Affairs offices, Cleveland Housing Network, Community Housing Solutions, the Legal Aid Society of Clevland, the Hebrew Free Loan Association, the Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging, the Home Repair Resource Center, and the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District.
With so many community partners available, attendees efficiently workshopped solutions to their pending foreclosure cases. The Save Our Homes taskforce will have its next community event in May for individuals facing tax foreclosure.