Recovery Court Graduation 2-24-2022
A socially distanced Recovery Court graduation was held on Thursday, February 24. 2022.
Judge Joan Synenberg congratulated the six clients who completed the program. Family and friends joined in person and by Zoom.
Specialized dockets are courts that are dedicated to specific types of offenses or offenders and use a combination of different techniques for holding offenders accountable while also addressing the underlying causes of their behavior. There are more than 210 specialized dockets in Ohio, and Recovery Court focuses on those with dual diagnoses of addiction and trauma.
The certification requirements include establishing eligibility requirements, evaluating effectiveness of the specialized docket, and assembling a treatment team for implementing daily operations of the specialized docket. The team can include licensed treatment providers, law enforcement, court personnel, and is headed by the specialized docket judge.
Recovery Court is one of three dockets operating under the Drug Court umbrella in the Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court.