Passages CBI Graduation

11 clients graduated from the Passages Cognitive Behavioral Intervention (CBI) Program on Thursday, March 30. It was the first graduation ceremony held in the Justice Center in the program’s five years.
Passages CBI provides clients with the opportunity and the support they may need to obtain and maintain meaningful employment, and is based on meeting eligibility requirements and referrals from the Cuyahoga County Probation Department. Passages CBI addresses cognitive deficiencies to help clients maintain employment. Including learning how to navigate difficult situations with coworkers/bosses. They also receive employment skills training like resume development and learn how to navigate the online application process.
Passages is a Cleveland organization that specializes in family resiliency programming through a number of core tenants, including workforce development, parenthood enrichment, personal development, social enterprise exploration, and education and advocacy.
Clients attend classes at Passages four days a week. The Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Employment class is 32 sessions over four weeks, and Workforce Development is 16 sessions. Clients work with a Passages case manager and continue to report to the Probation Department. Reporting continues for at least three months after employment begins.
The goal is for clients to obtain meaningful employment for a minimum of three months to be considered successful. "Meaningful employment" is defined by a job that pays above minimum wage and offers benefit such as retirement and medical.