Judge Matia Presented With OCPJA Award

Cleveland: Judge David Matia, former president of the Ohio Common Pleas Judges Association (OCPJA), was presented with the President’s Award of Excellence at the recent winter meeting of the OCPJA in Columbus.
The President’s Award was given to Judge Matia by the current OCPJA president, Judge Linda Jennings of the Lucas County Common Pleas Court. Judge Jennings recognized Judge Matia for his service to Ohio’s common pleas judges, the OCPJA and his advocacy work on November’s ballot Issue 1.
Judge Matia served as OCPJA president in 2017, and hosted the organization’s annual summer meeting in Cleveland in June of that year. He has served as a trustee and officer of the organization over the last ten years. He has presented multiple times at the organization’s seminars.
The OCPJA is a representative organization of Ohio’s common pleas judges. In addition to interfacing with the other Ohio courts and the legislative and executive branches, the OCPJA holds semi-annual conferences for its members.
The OCPJA was formed to promote an interchange of experience and suggestions respecting the operation of the judicial system as it pertain to the common pleas courts of Ohio. The Association also considers and recommends, for appropriate action, suggestions for the improvement of standards, practices, and effectiveness of such courts.