Judge John J. Russo Sworn In As Second Vice Chair of the OJC

Columbus: Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court Administrative and Presiding Judge John J. Russo was sworn in Thursday, September 13, to a two-year term as the second vice-chair of the Ohio Judicial Conference (OJC).
Ohio Supreme Court Chief Justice Maureen O’Connor swore in Judge Russo during a ceremony in Columbus. Judge Russo will be in line to become the OJC chair in 2024 after serving two-year terms as first vice-chair and then chair-elect.
Created in 1959, the Ohio Judicial Conference provides many resources to support and assist judges throughout their judicial career. Judicial Conference Committees’ activities provide judges with a voice in the Ohio General Assembly when legislation is introduced that may have an impact on their courts. In addition, Judicial Associations’ meetings and conferences provide opportunities for judges to meet and collaborate with their colleagues. More than 200 judges work on Judicial Conference Committees.
Also, veteran judges are available to serve as mentors for new judges and can offer clear insight into experiences that new judges are bound to encounter. For a new judge having a difficult time adjusting, the Judicial Advisory Group (JAG) is available to provide confidential support and assistance.
Judge Russo has had an active role in the Ohio Judicial Conference and currently is the co-chair of the Court Administration Committee.
Five other Cuyahoga County judges have moved through the succession order to eventually lead the OJC. The last Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court General Division Judge to chair the OJC was Judge Norman Fuerst from 1976-1978.