Drug Court Coordinator Honored

Congratulations to Drug Court Coordinator Molly Leckler on being presented the 2022 George Farmer Award from the Ohio Chief Probation Officers Association.
This award is presented to an individual who has performed their assigned duties in an outstanding manner and/or made significant contributions to the respective probation or community corrections professional at the local, regional, or state level.
Leckler was nominated by Drug Court Judge David Matia,who has worked with Leckler since the Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Drug Court was created with one docket in 2008. There are now two additional dockets, and a fourth is being added.
The award was presented virtually during the OCPOA Line Officer Training Awards Ceremony on Thursday, April 7. Members of the Drug Court team gathered in Judge Matia’s jury room where Leckler accepted the award.
"Putting in the extra hard work that we've done as a team, which is the best part of being part of Drug Court. All of the burdens and the all of tasks are not just on me. It makes things a lot easier," Leckler told those attending the webinar.
Established in 1984, The Ohio Chief Probation Officers Association (OCPOA) provides training, networking opportunities, and legislative advocacy for publicly employed chief administrators of probation services and community control services agencies operated by the courts in the State of Ohio.