Domestic Violence Awareness Month

October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Judge Sherrie Miday and the team in the High Risk Domestic Violence Docket are working to potentially save lives by intervening in cases of domestic abuse that could eventually escalate to intimate partner homicide.
October 20 is “National Purple Thursday,” and staff will be encouraged to wear purple in solidarity to those suffering from domestic violence, and those working to help victims.
If you know someone who is a victim, or if you are experiencing domestic violence yourself, please say something. You can help end the silence.
On our first-floor entrance monitors, we are reminding Justice Center visitors of Domestic Violence Awareness Month (below), and provide the national hotline number, which is 1-800-799-SAFE. If you are a Common Pleas Court staff member who may be experiencing domestic violence, there are resources that you can access anonymously.
No one should live in fear. Together, we can end the abuse.