Court Unveils New Informational Videos

Cleveland: The Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court has produced four new videos designed to take people inside the nation’s court system and explain how the process works.
The videos can be viewed individually, or all together as a seamless program. They were produced with funding from the State Justice Institute.
“The initial idea was to have a visual and entertaining way to introduce new employees to how the court system works and why it’s so important,” says Court Administrator Gregory Popovich. “The way we have produced these videos means that they can also be used by other courts, and they can serve as an educational tool for schools, visitors and the general public.”
Purposes and Principles of the Courts looks at the history of the court system in the United States and why it’s so important for our society. Courts At Work focuses on the people who work in the courts and the importance of each of their roles. Courts In The United States provides an overview of all the different courts in our nation, from municipal all the way up to the United States Supreme Court. Finally, Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court: A Closer Look delves more deeply into our own Court and how it operates.
Interviews include 8th District Court of Appeals Administrative Judge Kathleen Ann Keough, Cleveland Municipal Court Administrative and Presiding Judge Ronald B. Adrine, Common Pleas Court Administrative and Presiding Judge John J. Russo, Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Michael O’Malley, and Cuyahoga County Public Defender Mark Stanton.
“We really wanted to talk with people from other courts and offices, because we all have such different roles,” says Judge Russo. “Every person who works in a court has a critical role in keeping the justice system moving.”
The videos can be viewed individually, or as a whole, on the Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court’s website.
"Welcome To The Courts" takes people inside judicial system.