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Court Mourns Loss Of Bill Denihan

Court Mourns Loss Of Bill Denihan


The Court is saddened to learn of the death of long-time ADAMHS Board CEO William Denihan.


According to his family, Denihan passed away Monday, May 23, at age 85 from complications of a heart attack he suffered earlier in the month.


After 15 years of service as CEO of the Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services (ADAMHS) Board of Cuyahoga County, Denihan retired in 2017. 


Denihan was a long-time advocate for individuals and families living with mental illness and addiction and worked closely with the Court for many years.


“The loss of Bill Denihan is felt deeply by everyone who knew him,” says Administrative and Presiding Judge Brendan J. Sheehan. “But his legacy is one of public service and of advancing the care offered by Cuyahoga County to those dealing with mental illness and substance abuse. He will be missed.”


Denihan became Executive Director of the Cuyahoga County Community Mental Health Board in 2001, and led the consolidation of that board with the Alcohol & Drug Addiction Services Board of Cuyahoga County in 2009, creating the ADAMHS board.


“I worked closely with Bill on a number of different projects over 15 years, and he was a good friend,” says Court Administrator Greg Popovich. “I express my gratitude for everything Bill did for our Court and the citizens of Cuyahoga County.”


In June of 2017, Denihan was the guest of honor at a meeting of the Judges and thanked the Court for all the efforts that made to help those who were dealing with addiction and/or mental illness. The Judges of the Court, and in particular the Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Court and Drug Court judges, offer their deepest condolences to the family of Mr. Denihan.  He will be remembered as someone who worked hard to address the needs of the people in the Court and turned ideas into reality.