Court In The Classroom Returns

Court In The Classroom visited Lakewood's Garfield Middle School on Friday, October 28. This was the first CITC session since the program shut down in January of 2020 when COVID-19 cases began to rise.
Judge Brendan J.Sheehan presided over two cases in front of Garfield's 8th grade students. These are real cases in which the defendants have agreed to appear at the school. In both cases, the defendants completed diversionary programs and had their felony cases dismissed.
"It's important for us to be out in schools showing our younger citizens how the Court and the legal system works," says Judge Sheehan. "We want them to understand that the Court seeks to help people who find themselves in legal trouble. Our diversionary programs are so impactful."
After the hearings, the students heard from the judge, the attorneys, the court reporter, a sheriff's deputy, and others who work daily in the courtrooms. Then the students were able to ask questions.
Court In The Classroom started in 2014 and has visited numerous middle schools throughout Cuyahoga County.